A10 STAR Black Bold fuente
Licencia: Pagado
Autor: Mogtahid
cirílico, latino
Información de fuentes
Hemos recopilado toda la información más importante sobre la fuente A10 STAR Black Bold. A continuación se muestra una tabla sobre la versión del archivo de fuente, la licencia, los derechos de autor, el diseñador y el nombre del proveedor. La información se toma del archivo de fuente "TTF".
Nombre de la familia de fuentes | A10 STAR Black |
Nombre de la fuente | A10 STAR Black |
nombre del estilo | Regular |
Identificador de fuente | com.myfonts.easy.mogtahid.a10_star-black.regular.wfkit2.version.5vMr |
Versión de fuente | Version 1.901 March 5, 2020; |
Marca comercial | A10_STAR ¨ font vendor is a myfonts. |
Diseñador | Abdallah NASRI |
Enlace de diseñador | http://www.mogtype.com |
Enlace al vendedor (proveedor) | http://www.myfonts.com/mogtahid |
Fabricante | Mogtahid for Myfonts |
Derechos de autor | © 2020 The Mogtahid, Abh.NASRI foundry. All Rights Reserved. |
Descripción | As a former typographer / lino and calligrapher, Abdallah NASRI had recourse to the nature of the idea of an "INTERCHANGEABLE" collection for types who in reality offer a police collar parallel to the complex typeface of the variable. Our mode is a simple calculation defined by a geometrical drawing at the start, the finished assembly of which was done manually, a decisive process of what the figure of the type will be with the useful harmony of its whole. Composed harmoniously by the dynamic geometry of the quarter circle. All the types occupy the same height of the body and it is their fats which differ them by sharing the same spacing of the width according to the kind of the type. The whole font is designed to be nested, on the one hand in inter change the different weights without the appropriate space interfering and suddenly we have the possibility of combining by color their overlays. Here, an alternative to answer the variable fonts of robotic creation. This "INTERCHANGEABLE" policy keeps the soul of the will of the art of typography. |