Arlt Super Family SuperNegraItalic fuente

Licencia: desconocido
Autor: Pampa Type
Idiomas: latín
Etiquetas: antigua, serif
Ejemplo de fuente Arlt Super Family SuperNegraItalic Ejemplo de fuente Arlt Super Family SuperNegraItalic Ejemplo de fuente Arlt Super Family SuperNegraItalic Ejemplo de fuente Arlt Super Family SuperNegraItalic Ejemplo de fuente Arlt Super Family SuperNegraItalic

Información de fuentes

Hemos recopilado toda la información más importante sobre la fuente Arlt Super Family SuperNegraItalic. A continuación se muestra una tabla sobre la versión del archivo de fuente, la licencia, los derechos de autor, el diseñador y el nombre del proveedor. La información se toma del archivo de fuente "TTF".

Nombre de la familia de fuentes Arlt SuperNegra
Nombre de la fuente Arlt-SuperNegraItalic
nombre del estilo Italic
Identificador de fuente 1.000;pyrs;Arlt-SuperNegraItalic;2008;TR4-
Versión de fuente Version 1.00
Marca comercial Arlt SuperNegra Italica is a trademark of PampaType.
Diseñador Alejandro Lo Celso
Enlace de diseñador
Enlace al vendedor (proveedor)
Fabricante PampaType
Derechos de autor Copyright © 2008 by PampaType. All rights reserved.
Descripción Copyright 2005-2008 by PampaType Foundry PampaType is an independent type foundry based in Argentina and Mexico and run by Alejandro Lo Celso. Special info from PampaType: Thank you for having purchased this type. We dedicate a huge effort in our typefaces both technically and creatively. We hope you enjoy this type and we encourage you to take the most advantage of its styles. Roberto Arlt, Argentinean writer from early XXth century, wrote some very original novels all of which 'Siete locos' ('Seven Madmen') is maybe the most celebrated piece. The Arlt type family is based on his oeuvre. It has a Baroque style interpretated with an expressionist, more contemporary flair. This means the type is full of intense contrasts and vivid, expressive feelings. The italics make a specially dynamic rhythm on text. The Arlt text fonts come in four weights including roman, italics, and small caps. They offer a colourful, spicy though comfortable immerse reading. They are ideal for literature books, specially for suspense novels and sordid stories of the underworld. Its use under other circumstances may be dangerous! The 'Arlt Titulo' fonts were carefully designed to be used in titlings and other display settings. They will look more elegant at big body sizes, above 24 pt. The 'Arlt 7 Locos', a sub-family of seven fonts, resulted of a more relaxed exploration on how to thoroughly destroy a series of carefully designed letterforms. They can be misteriously attractive when used in small text printed over rough quality papers. Visit if interested in knowing better about the 'Arlt' typeface designs. Arlt is a trademark of PampaType.
  • 21.03.2024
  • 49
  • 4

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