Linotype Gianotten Pro Light Italic fuente

Licencia: Pagado
Autor: Linotype
Idiomas: latín
Etiquetas: antigua, serif
Ejemplo de fuente Linotype Gianotten Pro Light Italic Ejemplo de fuente Linotype Gianotten Pro Light Italic Ejemplo de fuente Linotype Gianotten Pro Light Italic Ejemplo de fuente Linotype Gianotten Pro Light Italic Ejemplo de fuente Linotype Gianotten Pro Light Italic

Información de fuentes

Hemos recopilado toda la información más importante sobre la fuente Linotype Gianotten Pro Light Italic. A continuación se muestra una tabla sobre la versión del archivo de fuente, la licencia, los derechos de autor, el diseñador y el nombre del proveedor. La información se toma del archivo de fuente "TTF".

Nombre de la familia de fuentes Linotype Gianotten Pro Light Italic
Nombre de la fuente Linotype Gianotten Pro Light Italic
nombre del estilo Light Italic
Identificador de fuente
Versión de fuente 1.000
Marca comercial Linotype Gianotten is a trademark of Linotype GmbH and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.
Diseñador Antonio Pace
Enlace de diseñador
Enlace al vendedor (proveedor)
Fabricante Linotype GmbH
Derechos de autor Copyright © 2000 - 2008 Linotype GmbH, All rights reserved. This font software may not be reproduced, modified, disclosed or transferred without the express written approval of Linotype GmbH. Linotype Gianotten is a trademark of Linotype GmbH and may be registered in certain jurisdictions. This typeface is original artwork of Antonio Pace. The design may be protected in certain jurisdictions.
Descripción It took the Italian designer Antonio Pace more than five years to create Linotype Gianotten, a successful new interpretation of the classic Bodoni types. To re-draw the 200-year-old characters for the world of modern digital technology, Pace studied Giambattista Bodoni's original punches at the Bodoni Museum in Parma. He felt that previous Bodoni interpretations were not well suited for body texts, so he focused his study of Bodoni's "Manuale Typografico" on the types made specifically for text sizes. Consequently, his Bodoni has strong hairlines, rounded transitions and shorter, fluted serifs - elements that help to achieve readability by providing an overall tranquil effect. This contemporary, highly readable family is an excellent choice for text settings in books, newspapers, and magazines. Incidentally, the name Gianotten has nothing to do with Bodoni, but was chosen by Pace and Linotype to honor Dutch typographer, Henk W. J. Gianotten.
  • 08.04.2021
  • 53
  • 0

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